Villa Medusa

Villa Medusa

There is always a happy atmosphere at the bar "Den Glade Viking". Your mission as Godzilla or Jessica is to attend all the guests at the bar, the ones who are thirsty as well as the ones who have come to see you dance.Choose to play as Godzilla or Jessica with the cursor keys and start the game by pressing space bar. Fill up with drinks at the bar by holding down space bar and move between the bar and the drinking area with the up and down cursor keys. Then move between the tables with the right and left cursor keys and serve drinks with space bar. How thirsty the guests are differs from one to another, so you have to serve them different amounts of drinks. Hold down space bar until each guest is satisfied.You can get bonus points by doing a dance show for the guests waiting by the dance area. You always have to pass the bar to get to the dance area, and when you're there you start your dance show by pressing space bar. Just don't forget that each dance show takes some time and that there are thirsty guests waiting.The longer a guest has to wait, the less tip you'll get, so you better hurry up. If someone has to wait too long for their drink or you'll get a warning by the bar owner, and when you get your third warning you lose your job. Good luck!
