

The object of the game is to collect the number "118 118", which has been hidden in some of the boxes by the mean ghosts. While doing this, you mustn't let the ghosts get you. Some boxes will contain cherries (bonus points) and some more ghosts, so be careful. When you have found the whole number, you have completed a level and will move on to the next. The faster you are, the higher score you will receive. Choose which character to play with the cursor keys, and press spacebar to start the game. You move around by using the cursor keys and open boxes with spacebar. To push a box, move towards a box that has open space behind itself, and hit spacebar. This is how you get rid of the ghosts. When a box hits a ghost, the ghost will disappear. However, don't be too slow about it, because they will be coming back for you! Good luck!
